RSVP – Your life depends on it.

The phrase RSVP is used all the time for various parties, meetings, etc. When we see these four letters, our minds automatically know what the appropriate thing to do is. What’s so interesting about this is that, if you’re like me, it slips my mind or I think, I’ll do it later after I check my calendar and all the other reasons, resulting in that I usually forget to RSVP until right before the party. I’ve got to get better at that for sure!

I’m still reading through Chronicles, and it dawns on me in 2 Chronicles 7, that God is always setting out the RSVP, He’s always inviting us into His work. Although Solomon spent twenty years building a temple for the presence of the Lord; establishing all the guidelines, making sure everything was specific to the measurements and regulations that David set out before him – I think that he also had to realize that the temple isn’t the Field of Dreams – if you build it they will come. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. (Do I say this to hinder you from building what God has placed on your heart to build, absolutely not.)

Solomon’s obedience in building the temple was to establish that his heart was after God’s will and that he did in fact, want to house the presence of the Lord. His heart was to do the will of God. And, he did what he set out to do – and the Lord was pleased. If you read into chapter seven, the fire came down from Heaven and consumed the sacrifices. God was pleased that there was a place for Him – although we know that God does not live in houses made out of stone. Solomon blessed the people, he had a feast, he had a celebration to dedicate the temple and to set a standard for the priests and all the people. There was no denying that he was serious about this!

Let’s jump in to 1 Chronicles 7, starting in verse eleven. Solomon goes back to his palace, all the celebrations are over at the temple and he finally can come home and close the door. Now, it’s just him and the Lord. It says, “When Solomon had finished the temple of the Lord and the royal palace, and had succeeded in carrying out all that he had in mind to do in the temple of the Lord, and in his own palace, the Lord appeared to him at night and said.” We’re going to stop there. The Lord was with Solomon through this whole process. In fact, earlier, when Solomon was acknowledged as king, he asked the Lord for wisdom, and God granted that to him. So Solomon wasn’t any fries short of anything. He was the wisest man on the earth.

So Solomon gets into his quiet place, his palace and God begins to speak to him. God has seen and heard all the prayers of Solomon and he understands the heart of men – He made us! God begins to tell Solomon (v 13-16), “When I shut up the heaves so that there is no rain, or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among my people, IF my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from Heaven and will forgive their sins and heal their land. Now my eyes and ears will be attentive to the prayers offered in this place. I have chosen and consecrated this temple so that my Name may be there forever. My eyes and heart will always be there.”

He goes on give Solomon the “ifs” – then I will. See, God is always requiring a response from us. If you read any passages of Scripture, God waits on us to decide if we are going to change our posture, our position, and ultimately our hearts. God is not wowed by our status or our achievements, He is concerned with our yes.

God even says, while this temple is so imposing and overwhelming, I will make it an object of ridicule and people will ask, what happened to the temple, and the answer will be that the people have forsaken God. All of the work, all the labor, the dedication, the blood, sweat and tears – I’m sure there were all of those in building something so magnificent, God says, if you forsake me then all this means nothing.

Which brings me back to the RSVP – God is asking for your yes and my yes. He’s waiting for us to not just reply, but He’s waiting for us to show up! When is the last time you thought, I’ll do that later – I’ll let them know I’m coming, and it slips your mind? I’m guilty! This RSVP is different though. The invite list is longer than any list we’ll ever see – in fact, the moment a life is conceived, they are placed on the list and the invitation is drawn up. (Sometimes in the form of you and me.)

When God told Solomon the “ifs,” He was serious. He knew that the choice to follow God, the choice to serve Him whole-heartedly, it’s a difficult choice. The culture will say that you can do that later – after you’ve lived your life and had your fun. But God is knocking today. The invitation is in your mailbox – the moment you’ve heard the grace and truth, you’ve been invited.

What exactly did God say in 2 Chronicles 7:14-15? He started with “IF” my people:

If my people will humble themselves and pray – not that praying over your meal isn’t important because I believe that we need to ask a blessing over everything on this earth – but God is inviting us to get in close, to humble ourselves out of the position of self-sufficiency, and rely on Him for everything. In every circumstance – health, finances, future outcomes, day to day activities – just like Solomon, we have to recognize our need for him.

Next, seek my face and turn from their wicked ways. Goodness, that’s stepping close to home. Not only is the invitation waiting, but God is asking, are you willing to turn from wickedness? That’s loaded. What is wickedness – I mean, I live a good life… right? Wickedness is anything that is against God. A good start is the ten commandments – don’t steal, lie, sleep with someone who’s not your spouse, use God’s name in vain – just to name a few. God is looking for repentance – He’s not putting your name on the board so that everyone can see your wrong doings, He’s literally ask you and I to come and say, YES, I accept your invitation and I don’t want to attend the other things in my heart – selfishness, offense, jealousy, anger, etc.

And here’s the response from the One sending us the invitation – YES! When you RSVP to me – THEN I can do and act on your behalf! “Then will I hear from Heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” To think, that just because of our actions, circumstances can change on a dime. God is giving us His promise to uphold His end of the bargain and all we have to do is accept.

Now…. before you lean into the doubting part of your brain (I know because I have a brain too) and say, well, I’ve asked God and things haven’t gone my way. Or, I trusted God before and He didn’t do what I wanted. Insert *sigh.*

God wants our heart. He wants you to come so close to Him, that even though the circumstances shift, our hearts for Him are unwavering. It’s complicated – but Paul writes, the mystery of the Gospel is revealed to those who are seeking after God. Ephesians 6:18-20, God is not hiding anything from us, however, we cannot understand the purposes of God without coming close to His heart, without the active RSVP.

So, if you’re like me, there’s probably a time or two where you RSVP’d and didn’t realize at the time that you would miss, or couldn’t attend. I wonder how many times we’ve done this with God? We’ve heard the message of the cross of Christ, we’ve wondered if this was for us or we’ve not shown up because of our own short comings. Can I tell you good news? God didn’t tell you to get all your stuff together first – He just said show up and let ME host you, let ME show you, let ME lead you into the life that I have planned for you.

Back to Solomon – God gave him the invitation, He instructed him in all the “ifs” so that Solomon would know that God’s RSVP rests on the hearts of the recipient. Wow! You and I both have the opportunity to respond to the RSVP, both in our hearts and walking it out in our lives.

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